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205 Public Notices

May 03, 2023

By The Herald Staff | on May 31, 2023


Morgan County will be applying to the State of Ohio Development Services Agency forfunding under the 2023 Community Housing Impact andPreservation Program. TheCounty is eligible for up to$400,000 of funding under thisprogram.

On January 30, 2023, theCounty conducted the firstpublic hearing to inform citizens about the CHIP grant,how it may be used, what activities are eligible, and otherprogram requirements.

Based on both citizen input, including the local Housing Advisory Committee and local

officials’ assessment of theCounty's needs, the County isproposing to undertake the following activities for the 2023grant: Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Assistance, OwnerOccupied Repair Assistance,Administration and Fair Housing. These activities are designedto primarily benefit low- ormoderate-income persons,and aid in the prevention orelimination of slum and blight.The second public hearing willbe held on June 12, 2023, at10:00 a.m., in the MorganCounty Commissioners’ Office,155 E. Main Street, Rm. 216,McConnelsville, Ohio to givecitizens the opportunity to review and comment on theCounty's proposed CHIP application, including the proposalsabove.Questions concerning this application may be directed tothe Morgan County Development Office at (740) 962-1322.Published By Order ofthe Morgan CountyCommissioners 22-1NOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed bids will be received bythe VILLAGE OF MALTA, 449MAIN ST., MALTA, OHIO43758 at its offices until 2:30P.M. on THURSDAY, JUNE15th, 2023, and will be publiclyopened and read immediatelythereafter for the "NEW MANLEY PARK CONSTRUCTION".The Project work shall consistof furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment in accordance with the contractdocuments. Project cost estimate is $80,000.00Electronic Bid documents maybe obtained for a non-refundable registration fee of $40.00per set, at the following location: DLZ Ohio, Inc.30661 Red Rock Court,Logan, Ohio 43138740-380-2828Plans will be on file for reviewat: Village of MaltaEach bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Guaranty andContract Bond as required bySection 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code in an amountequal to the sum of the bidsubmitted by each contractor.In lieu of posting the bond, abidder may use a Cashier'sCheck, Certified Check or Letter of Credit for ten percent ofthe Contractor's bid as bid security. When a check or letterof credit is used, the bidder

shall be required to post a 100percent Performance Bondand a 100 percent Labor andMaterial Payment Bond, uponthe signing of the contract.Equal Employment Opportunity requirements are applicable to this project.The Owner reserves the rightto reject any and all bids, andthe right to accept the lowestand best bid, the right towaiver minor irregularities onany bid, and the right to acceptthe bid proposal which promotes the best interest of theOwner.Failure to submit the Bid Guaranty Bond and the requirednotarized affidavits with the bidshall be cause for consideringthe bid submission incompleteand for the rejection of the bid.Each bid must contain the fullname of the party or partiessubmitting the bid and all persons interested therein. Eachbidder must submit evidenceof its experiences on projectsof similar size and complexity.All contractors and subcontractors involved with the project will, to the extentpracticable use Ohio Products,materials, services, and laborin the implementation of theirproject. Additionally, contractor compliance with the equalemployment opportunity requirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123.2,the Governor's ExecutiveOrder of 1/27/72, and Governor's Executive Order 84-9shall be required.By Order of the Village ofMalta 21-2LEGAL NOTICEADVERTISEMENTFOR BIDSVillage of McConnelsville9 West Main St.McConnelsville, OH 43756Separate sealed Bids for theVillage of McConnelsville,

Water System Improvements,Reservoir Interconnection,Contract 23-1 will be receivedby the Village of Mc-Connelsville at the Village offices located at 9 West MainSt., McConnelsville, OH 43756until 10:00 o’clock a.m. (localtime), June 15, 2023. Bids willthen be publicly opened andread aloud at Village of Mc-Connelsville Council Chambers located at 21 West MainSt., McConnelsville, OH.The work covered by the Contract Documents includes thefollowing:Contract 23-1 – Water SystemImprovements, Reservoir Interconnection – Base Bid includes construction ofapproximately 640 lineal feetof 10-inch water main, andgate valves, together with necessary appertaining work. AddAlternate Bid includes approximately 270 lineal feet of 6-inchwater main, gates valves,water service reconnectionsand necessary appertainingwork.The engineer's cost estimatefor the project Base Bid is$95,000.00.The Bidding Documents maybe examined at:Burgess & Niple, Inc.4424 Emerson AvenueParkersburg, WV 26104Village of McConnelsville9 West Main StreetMcConnelsville, OH 43756Dodge Association2905 Emerson AvenueParkersburg, WV 26104Copies of the Bidding Documents may be purchased at:Burgess & Niple, Inc.4424 Emerson AvenueParkersburg, WV 26104upon payment of $50.00, noneof which will be refunded.To be considered a plan holder

and to receive Addendums,prospective Bidders must obtain Bidding Documents fromBurgess & Niple, Inc. (issuingoffice). Bidders must be on theIssuing Office's plan holder listfor their bid to be consideredresponsive.Prospective BIDDERS mayaddress inquiries to:Burgess & Niple, Inc.4424 Emerson AvenueParkersburg, WV 26104Phone: (304) 485-8541Proposals shall be accompanied by a Bid Guaranty andContract Bond meeting the requirements of ORC Section153.54 executed by a suretycompany authorized to dobusiness in the State of Ohioin the full amount of the proposal. In lieu of a BID BOND,a certified check or cashier'scheck in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the proposal willbe accepted. BIDS shall beclearly marked on the outsideof the package for the pertinent contract; "Bid for the Village of McConnelsville, WaterSystem Improvements, Reservoir Interconnection, Contract23-1".BIDDERS must comply withthe prevailing wage rates onPublic Improvements in Morgan County, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Departmentof Commerce, Wage and HourDivision.All Contractors and Subcontractors involved with the project will, to the extentpracticable, use Ohio products, materials, services andlabor in the implementation ofthe project. Additionally, contractor compliance with theequal employment opportunityrequirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123 (excluding ORC Section123.151), the Governor's Executive Order of 1972, andGovernor's Executive Order84-9 shall be required.DOMESTIC STEEL USE REQUIREMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 153.011OF THE REVISED CODEAPPLY TO THIS PROJECT.COPIES OF SECTION153.011 OF THE REVISEDCODE CAN BE OBTAINEDFROM ANY OF THE OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVESERVICES.Attention to the BIDDERS iscalled to the Instructions toBidders, which are included inthe proposed Contract Documents. Proposals shall be completedand properly executed in theproposal bid package suppliedin the Specifications. Successful Bidders shall be required to comply with all laws

pertaining to minimum wageand discrimination of persons.

The Village of McConnelsvillereserves the right to reject anyand all Bids or to increase ordecrease or omit any item oritems and/or award to the lowest and best BIDDER. Eachproposal must contain the full

name of every person or company interested in the same.The Village of McConnelsvillereserves the right to waive anyinformalities or irregularities inthe Bidding.

By order of the Village of Mc-Connelsville. 21-2